Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some more Caleb pictures

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. I can't believe our little person is 9 weeks old already!
"I can touch you"

"Out! I want out!"

"I'm a sweet boy!!"

"I am superman..."

"They keep me in jail during the night... someone help me please...."

"Happy bath time with gran"

"Gran I like you..."


  1. So glad you are blogging! It is a great way to document life :-) I loved looking at all the pictures and catching up on Caleb :-) He is adorable and looks like he is enjoying his first holidays! Hope you have a wonderful season of Advent and a blessed Christmas.

  2. He is so precious Jenny! A perfect mix of both of you. Hope all is well with you guys!

  3. Thanks for blogging, guys! We love the pictures and look forward to lots of crazy stories from the Carter family. Tell Caleb that the Chinese Caleb says "HI!"

  4. I'm thrilled you are blogging! Those are great pictures of your little man.
